There’s a saying that A ship is safe in the harbour, but that’s not what ships are built for,
Feeling your life is getting too stale and wanting to integrate more adventure and excitement
without destroying what you already created?

Some of the things we do

We spend years creating comfortable lives, where we feel things are under our control. Then,
when we finally have had it together for a while, we sometimes discover that something’s missing. We need adventure, we miss the excitement, the unknown, experiencing new things and
circumstances in which we would grow and possibly be surprised by ourselves. But at the same
time, we don’t want to lose what we have already created. 

We help you through the process of taking calculated risks, and making room for adventure again
in your life. 

How would it feel like that to have adventure back in your life, and for life to feel again exciting
and unexpected? Like a treasure box in which you are yet to peak, like an story which is yet to be
written.. What new things would you experience?
Whom would you meet, and especially what new parts of yourself will you discover when you
come out of existing routines and create room for adventure?

We help you during the brainstorming and analysis process of adding new adventures to your life.
We issue challenges when you’d rather someone else threw you into the unknown, and you were
surprised, rather than in control.
The range of adventurous life we design together is however completely in your control. It can be
a couple of hours adventure thrown in as a rewards so that you alleviate the boredom of
carpooling children, it can be days or weeks, or it can be a complete adventurous life redesign. 

Hopefully your outcome

You feel like life is again an amazing wonderful experience, full of surprises. You are excited and
you feel you are growing from the new things you are experiencing. 

You are having fun.

Price: €89/h 

Book here  | Schedule here