Wanting to feel like you are authentically and intentionally creating your own life?

Wanting to design the best possible life for yourself now? Curious about other careers, deepening your relationships, making sure you have real fun in your leisure activities, 

Want to explore what it all means to you now, and what it could become if you chose different alternatives, if you were more artistic, more technical, more scientific, had different hobbies, different friends, worked different patterns? Or just curious on how your life could fit you better, and how it could all look like?

Then you are in the right place!

Some of the things we do

We use design thinking methods to help you empathize with yourself and your needs, design life versions or life potentials for yourself, and experiment with them – as to decide which ones to keep, which to change and which to throw away.

The life design process can be applied to any area of your life:

  •  to your relationships, to ensure you don’t feel lonely, and you are meeting new people, staying in touch with the people that matter to you or building stronger bonds
  • to your career – to experiment with new steps in your careers, new potential roles or completely new careers
  • to your leisure – to pick up new hobbies that will enrich your life
  • to your business – to improve how you are making your contribution to the world, and better understand and design what is the role of business in your life

Hopefully your outcome

You have new experiences about new possible lives, and decide which changes you would like to apply to your current one. 

You feel more alive and adventurous, let go of dreams that dont prove as interesting in practice as you expected, and embrace other possibilities that truly satisfy you. 

Your life feels more well rounded, and you feel like the magician that could transform their life into whatever they would like to. 

Price: €89/h 

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