How AI can support humans bring their authentic talents at work

We cannot work continuously. We are not robots. With automation eating away a share of existing jobs, and robots (real ones) being present in various industries, perhaps employers will not treat human employees as machines anymore and use and promote their human skills and talents.

The future of work promises many exciting things.

Will you be hired based on your psychological profile, and abilities to problem solve and be creative? Given that the World Economic Forum  Future of Jobs report assesses the most important skills of the future to be related to creativity, originality, ideation, initiative, emotional intelligence and complex problem-solving, it might be that employers don’t care as much about a particular list of skills which you could learn on the job, but rather about this broader profile and your ability to culturally fit in the company. 

How are companies and how is technology getting ready to react to post-pandemic changes in the economy and the way we do business?  

Will you be part of a hybrid or fully remote office? Perhaps one that has a virtual world attached to it, and where you can still maintain a form of feeling of “presence” and meet your coworkers remotely? This is not so far fetched giving that online communities of well designed games have hosted in the past millions of players (World of Warcraft peaked at 12 million monthly active users), happily engaging in virtual tasks with no impact on their real world with worldwide team mates just for the pleasure of slaying monsters together. Whether companies could create similarly productive virtual worlds and how they could do so remains to be seen. 

With millennials’ average time spent at a job being 2 years and 9 months (while Gen Xers’ average job tenure was 5 years and 2 months, and baby boomers 8 years and 3 months), how will companies incentivised staff to stick around, and put in place procedures for intelligent knowledge storage and handover in onboard/off-boarding?

With a growing trend for authenticity in the workplace, how will employers fit their staff’s skills to their unique traits and competencies?  

For all of the above, Artificial Intelligence and other technologies will have to become human-centered and we will need to build new, innovative ways of AI & tech assisting humans in workplaces. We might also need to change our paradigm about what it is to be productive, in a human way, in the future. This might have more to do with creativity, problem solving, intuition and good companies might need to implement strict policies to support their workers’ personal talents, journey, collaboration, creative process and work-life balance. 

How will future of work artificial intelligence look like? Find out more about it from experts, discover what the most interesting start-ups in Future of Work are attempting and become part of changing the future.