Are you a creative feeling like you’re stuck and unable to move forward with a project?

Or do you feel like there isn’t enough room (or psychological, emotion room) in your life for your creative self?

Or on the contrary, would you like to become more creative, but you don’t know how and it is something you have never been in touch with, or nobody has taught you?

Some of the things we do

We are helping you find, support and unblock your creative self

We help track the prejudices or blocking thoughts and feelings that were put in your mind by society, by your family of origin or yourself. In a non-blame environment, we help you get to know and feed the creative part of you. 

Your creative self might need your trust, or it might need encouragement and inspiration. Together we find out what it is that would help you live in your creative self, and what are the parts about that which might be scary. 

Whether you want to find some time to let free your creative culinary self, write your next novel or invent a new scientific theory, we help you develop the relationship with your creativity that would allow for it. 

Hopefully your outcome

You become at ease with your creative self, feel inspired and energized. You know that sometimes 1+1 doesn’t equal 2, and that when your unconscious mind is unleashed you solve problems and create new things and life possibilities that are non-linear and where, beforehand, unconceivable. 

Price: €89/h 

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