How do you want your life to feel?
Feelings are a center component of our existence, and emotional Intelligence is proven to
smoothen one’s life and career path as much or more than classical intellectual intelligence. 

But can Emotional Intelligence be improved? We believe so. 

We all have feelings that we are comfortable with, and others that we are a bit scared of. Some
people are scared of sadness, others of anger. Some people are scared of being too relaxed and
happy 😉
Some people say they don’t know what they feel, when they come to us, and that they are having
trouble getting in touch with this, to better understand what they want.
Other people say they would like to better know what to do with their own emotions, and
sometimes the big emotions of others. 

It is impossible to make good decisions until we have truly understood our emotions, and the
emotions of others.
If you are highly intelligent, and highly organized or motivated, it might be that understanding and
mastering EQ will give you your next level of growth, opening you up to an experience you never

Some of the things we do

We help you increase your emotional awareness. We discuss and normalize a wide variety of
Whatever your experience, we help you get in touch with your feelings. We help you navigate and
understand them, and the emotions of others.
We talk about anger, sadness, and sit with you through the scary process of feeling your own. We
help you experience how you won’t get stuck in either of them, and emotions are rather a flow
that keeps coming. We celebrate with you when you are again capable of feeling your joy. 

If you’ve got emotionally stuck, we help you uncover that part of yourself, with all the gifts and
magic it will provide when set free. 

Hopefully your outcome

You become much more at ease with feeling your feelings. You can name them, recognize them,
and they don’t terrify you (though some might still be more comfortable than others).

You are comfortable with other people’s emotions, and know what to do with them (and your
own).  Other people’s emotions or your own don’t prevent you for making decisions, or going after
what you want. 

You feel much more agile and free internally. You have access to parts of you that felt locked in
before. You feel authentic, and emotions are colours to your life, adding to richness of your

Price: €89/h 

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