Time is an unreplenishable resource that cannot be saved (outside of making great memories), but only spent well in the moment. 

We have many competing demands over our time. We want to achieve great career or have accomplishments, we want time for great relationships, time to spend with friends, time for hobbies and time for ourselves.
We want all of this and we want to somehow keep it all in balance. 

Feeling like you are not spending your time (and therefore your life) well can be very painful. Ready for some time management coaching?

Some of the things we do

We help you make an audit of your current time priorities, and of the way you are in fact spending your time. 
We then create systems and plan to improve your time management so that you are energized by your time spend choices. The goal is to have you feel that a great percentage of your time, if not all of it, is going towards things you love and believe in, things connected to your values. 

We have some great methods to incrementally help you reorganize your time and your time management habits. 
Part of the time management game is in the brain – the way we make decisions, the speed at which we move influence how hectic and under how much time pressure we feel. We know the cognitive tricks to help you feel you are under less pressure, and have time to breathe. 

You can also check out TimeRichMe – our digital time management accountability system, which can be used in conjunction with coaching sessions on on its own. 

Hopefully your outcome

You will feel less rushed, less overwhelmed, and like you are spending your time on things that truly matter to you. 
You will find pockets of time to rest, relax, or to spend with family and friends or on hobbies, if that is your wish. 

Price: €89/h 

Book here  | Schedule here